Sunday, September 1, 2013

Honors Bio Blog 3/69 (Water World)

Day 3
Water World
      I was extremely anxious for the third day of class because I was entirely aware that I was about to face my first Bio QUIZ of the year. The quiz was actually not super difficult and I hope that I scored well on it. Oh well, time to get back on topic. The actual class was very exciting. We were given various questions to answer using only 10 words. The questions were based off of what we had learned from our homework the previous night. Everybody's explanation of the question they were given was met with Mr. Quick's constant inquiries of "WHY???" which eventually led to demonstrations that we were allowed to perform ourselves involving pipettes, pennies, toothpicks, and soaps. These simple demonstrations helped to give us a visualization of surface tension and how it is related to the bonds in water. We also learned something very SHOCKING! Contrary to what I had previously believed, it is much more dangerous to exercise in an extremely humid climate versus a very dry climate. This is due to the insulating properties of water, which will cause humans to overheat if they are unable to release energy in the form of sweat, which occurs in climates where there is a lot of moisture in the air. Water was the basis of our third class and therefore I left the class with my thirst for knowledge quenched. 

Oh Snap!

That was funny....

Here are Some Fun Photos of Bob and Siri during Class


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