Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Killer Within

Initial Observations
Yesterday, I found some dude dead on the Thompson Creek Trail while I was going for my afternoon jog. I recognized this young, strapping buck as none other than my neighbor's son who goes by the name of Billy the Kid. 

I found Billy supine and unfortunately, he had a bullet hole of the left lateral side of his body 1 cm. above his third rib. It appears as though the bullet exited the victim 5 cm. above his belly button in the umbilical region. There is something fishy about this crime scene.

In order for the bullet to have traveled through Billy's left shoulder and exited through his umbilical region; the bullet had to have entered the body at approximately a 45 degree angle and ricochet off of something in his body.

After Consideration
After deep consideration, I believe that the assassin walked up behind Billy the Kid and then proceeded to shoot him at close range in the left shoulder. The bullet then shredded through the muscle in his back and eventually broke the young man's heart. The bullet then probably hit the fourth or fifth rib and changed its trajectory, which allowed for the bullet to exit the victim in the umbilical region.

The most probable cause of death was a combination of trauma and heart failure; however, it is also probable that the bullet could have punctured a lung, which would have caused respiratory failure. Even if the victim somehow survived the initial blow of the bullet; he most likely would have died anyways as a result of blood loss as he was left on the trail unattended for a long time.

Catching the Crook 
We managed to pull some finer prints off the bullet that had exited Billy's umbilical region and had them analyzed. The results are disturbing to say the least. After fully investigating the case, I have unfortunately discovered that I am the killer because my finger prints match the bullet that exited Billy's umbilical region. 

I always though Billy was a jerk, but I never thought I would kill him. Oh well, until further investigation I believe that I am the culprit in the murder of Billy the Kid. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

C.S.I. Claremont

C.S.I. Claremont

So, today in class Mr. Quick had us form several hypotheses as to what happened at crime scenes that he described in brief paragraphs. In order to solve what happened at these crime scenes, we had to use our knowledge of both the internal and external functions of the human body. These problems involved everything from a bullet to the rib to a girl being pushed out of a car. I found this new C.S.I. style implication of what we were studying in class to be both an incredible learning experience and an extremely enjoyable activity. 

In our cases, the culprit was always El Chupacabra